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Whizz Bang! Firework Craft

There couldn't be anything simpler as a craft for bonfire night than a piece of black paper, lots of PVA glue and pots of glitter... however it's messy and mums don't like glitter, so this year I came up with this little firework craft... Now, I didn't actually think it was that great myself but everyone else thought this was fantastic and the toddlers loved having their own firework to run around with.

These fireworks were prepared with black circles cut out with zig-zag scissor. A standard lollipop stick was stuck to the back, and a single hole punched on the side. The toddlers decorated with stars and choose their own pipe-cleaners - the tinsel type ones were particular effective.

Edit. It's the second year we're done these now, and they are a big hit still. The older toddlers loves threading their pipecleaners and the younger toddlers just love stickers. Unfortunately my photo was taken in a bit of a rush so is a bit blurry (incrediably busy session). I made thirty fireworks, and went through two packets of pipecleaners.

About Crafting Cherubs

I am Catherine, a mother of three children, who has run a toddler group for four years...

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