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Elmer's Day Elephants

Elmer wonderful series of books by David McGee. Every year on Elmer's Day, the ordinary grey elephants decorate themselves bright colours and Elmer the patchwork Elephant makes himself ordinary and grey, then they have a parade.

For our Elmer craft this year, our starting Elmers are bright colours - red, green, yellow, orange and blue. We have lots of squares of paper scraps and the toddlers favourite mosiac squares for the extra shine. I might also put out some foam sticker shapes as I've got quite a few and they need to be used up.

The toddlers made a wonderful herd of Elmer's Day Elephants, can you spot Elmer amongst them?

The elephant shape I've been using for five years, and it was originally a colouring sheet printable I found off the internet that had a fairly easy shape to be able to cut around... There are lots of Elmer printable these days if you want a more "Elmer" shape.

For an Elmer elephant, we've used a white card template and pre-cut square tissue paper.

Here's some more variations of the elephant craft we have done across the years....

2014 the Cherubs decorated with tissue paper... now, my daughter is very good at filling her artwork, most toddlers don't fill the space, so I'll be honest, they didn't all look as good as this, and tissue paper and toddlers isn't the best combination.

In 2012 we just decorated our elephants with material and buttons....

About Crafting Cherubs

I am Catherine, a mother of three children, who has run a toddler group for four years...

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